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So I finally made it to
Cinespia last night. First the movie, then the experience.
'Valley Girl' itself was surprisingly good. Nicholas Cage and Sonny Bono were both great, there were too many good Valley Girl-isms to remember ('scarf and barf' for instance), the music selections were choice, and there were awesome locations. A bunch of restaurants and movie theater facades in the valley and Hollywood, as well as several Mulholland Dr. shots at night.
The Cinespia experience was also just wonderful. Robin, Mathilde, John, and his girlfriend (whose name I don't remember) all staked out a place for us when the doors opened at 7:30, and I got there around 8:30. Sunny arrived soon after I did. The fact that it's in a cemetery turns out to be completely irrelevant. It's just too damn nice out for it to matter. You're surrounded by palm trees, the weather's perfect, and the wide expanse of the sky is just beautiful. The crowd is a scene, admittedly, but in a fun way. For whatever reason, although every other person looks like they've just escaped from an American Apparel sweat shop, there wasn't any attitude and everyone was just having a good time.
The one thing I'd do differently next time is I'd bring a lawn chair. Even with a blanket and a pillow, lying on the ground gets pretty uncomfortable, so I was rolling around like Mutesa's wife for most of the movie.