Photo from Flickr.
I stupidly forgot my camera in the car, so I don't have any photos of my own to share with you from last night's holiday jubilee. Basically, it was Charles's holiday spectacular slide show plus a holiday-themed roller skating extravaganza. The best skating performance was the first, because it involved a bunch of cute elementary school kids skating around in unison in bulky costumes. Then a bunch of high school kids did a disco-themed performance (I don't remember what holiday this was meant to represent) and then some older folks did waltzes, etc. It was fabulous. I went with Ben and Danielle and Robin and her friend Gary met up with us there. Sunny joined us at El Prado in Echo Park afterwards. The bartender at El Prado was playing Side A of Run DMC's "Raisin' Hell" when we arrived and she went on to play a side of a Go Go's record (the one with "Our Lips are Sealed" and the Go Go's song about LA, "This Town), a side of a Tina Turner record, a side of the Big Chill OST, and then a side of a Devo record. After the bar Ben and I went to a Korean taco truck on Abbott Kinney. Today we went to Tacos Baja Ensenada for lunch. Tacos, tacos, everywhere. And Ben doesn't even really like Mexican food!
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